Lot's of folks have been asking me to make tutorials for working with white primer. Here's a small picture compilation of the past hour or so. Here you can easily see the steps I usually progress with my mini's.
White primer. 50% of the work done already...
Some orange and brown ink splashed over the armor. As you can see, I'm not too much into details at the point.
More color in - some pink and black.
A sepia ink wash over the armor to make the details visible.
White and bleached bone sponged roughly over the armor to bring some damage and highlight.
Tamiya clear yellow over the armor to make the colors pop. Added some shadings to the red and black!
Metals in. I used leadbelcher diluted with brown ink.
Shadings. I used al the leftovers I had on my palette at the moment... Black/brown inks for metals. Green/brown for bases. Purple/green for skin.
Highlights. Metals were highlighted with silver, skin got a a white splash. Banner got a jolly little skull on it's surface. Bases were drybrushed with white.
Some layering with bleached bone. Touchups there and there...
Soon to be done. Gave red and brown glazes all over the miniature. Added verdigris.
Phew. Only lenses and some minor details missing.